Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Aprl 14, 2010


We are starting to have some more success with the referrals. We have set up some appointments for this week, and we have met with a couple of them so far. Its funny though, both of the people that we met with were relatives to members of the ward, and we thought that they were not members, but both of them ended up being members that had just been less active for a long time, and we didnt realize there names were on the records. So we basically told them they need to come to church and take the sacrament and they said they would. They were very grateful for us coming over, and one lady cooked us lunch. :) But we have a couple of appointments set up with non members too this week so we will see how they go. Actually one of the appointments is tonite with this lady named Patricia. Also, we are teaching Vicki tonite. Last time we taught her the Plan of Salvation, and she really understood it, and we really emphasized the need to be baptized to get to the celestial kingodm, and tonight we are going to teach her the Gospel to again help her recognize the need for baptism, and that it is a necessary ordinance to return and to becoming clean. She is a wonderful lady, and is having us over for dinner again tonite. And also, we are bringing over a lady in the ward that we think will be a good fellowshipper for Vicki, so we are hoping that that will go well and that they can become good friends. Almost nothing happens in missionary work unless you can get the members involved so thats the plan tonite. We are hopeful that once she has a friend besides us to invite her to church and stuff she will be more likely to go.
We are also still meeting with John and Sally. They are a fun couple, and are really old, but still very active and would never admit they are old. On Sunday morning we went over there and invited them to church. When we got to the door Sally told us to come on in but that she is not going to church. She said that without us even saying anything, lol. So we said ok and talked to then for a little bit, and shared some scriptures with them. Well then 3 oclock comes and we are at church, (our church starts at 3) and then to our surprise Sally showed up. She said she didnt like it though because the kids were too noisy, lol, and she couldnt concentrate. I dont know how serious she was being though, I think she liked it. She is a funny lady. I know she has felt the Spirit too, her and John, and I just hope they will be able to commit to living all the commandments so they can be baptized. We need to ask her if she has thought more about being baptized.

Also we had interviews with our mission president. They are the best. For some reason I always get a little nervous before them but then afterwards I always feel great. I really like meeting with President Millburn. He is an inspired man who always has the Spirit. He told me he knew for sure that I was in the area that I needed to be in right now, which was cool to hear. He told us to keep working hard with the referrals and we would see lots of success. He also told us to find around the referrals because sometimes a referral is pointing us in the right direction to someone else who is prepared. I know that is true becuase I have seen it work with lots of media referrals. However, yesterday we tracted for about an hour around a referral and talked to everyone we saw but no one was interested. But I still have faith it works.

Well to be honest Elder Shelley and I have definitely discussed the fact that we are approaching our year mark, and that time has just flown by. Its gone by so fast. Last year at this time I was about to get my call, and that doesnt seem long ago at all.


Some other news is I wrecked on my bike. But I am completely fine. When you ride them alot you get pretty good at bunny hops (which is popping both tires up), and I was bunny hopping up onto a curb and my front tire didnt get high enough and it hit the curb and I flew over the handle bars. I basically did a summer salt on my bike. Apparently it looked pretty funny, lol. But Im fine.

Anyway, I am doing really good, and I am still having alot of fun with my companions. I love teaching with them. We work together great and enjoy being together. This transfer is flying by. Thank you for your email. Good luck on your talks this saturday.

Talk to you next week.

Elder Larson

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